MS-20409 Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center
Szkolenie realizowane we współpracy z CBSG Polska Sp. z o.o., autoryzowanego Partnera Szkoleniowego firmy Microsoft
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Kluczowe zagadnienia szkolenia wg trenera:
- omówienie wymagań w zakresie tworzenia architektury wirtualizacji w organizacji
- instalacja i konfiguracja roli serwera Hyper-V
- tworzenie maszyn wirtualnych
- tworzenie i zarządzanie wirtualnymi dyskami oraz migawkami
- tworzenie i konfiguracja sieci dla maszyn wirtualnych w środowisku Hyper-V
- implementacja przenoszenia maszyn wirtualnych oraz zastosowanie Hyper-V Replicka
- zapewnienie wysokiej dostępności dla środowisk Hyper-V za pomocą klastrów pracy awaryjnej
- zarządzanie środowiskiem wirtualnym za pomocą System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- zarządzanie sieciami oraz infrastruktura magazynów w Virtual Machine Manager
- konfiguracja i zarzazanie bibliotekami i obiektami bibliotek w Virtual Machine Manager
- tworzenie i zarządzanie maszynami wirtualnymi za pomocą Virtual Machine Manager
- tworzenie i zarządzanie rozwiązaniami Cloud w System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- tworzenie i zarządzanie usługami w System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- ochrona infrastruktury wirtualizacji za pomocą Windows Server Backup oraz Data Protection Manager
Marcin Ostrowski, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Czas trwania
- 40 godzin lekcyjnych (5 dni)
Tematyka zajęć
- Module 1: Evaluating the Environment for Virtualization
Overview of Microsoft Virtualization
Overview of System Center 2012 R2 Components
Evaluating Current Environment for Virtualization
Extending Virtualization to the Cloud Environment
Lab : Evaluating the Environment for Virtualization
- Module 2: Installing and Configuring the Hyper-V Role
Installing the Hyper-V Role
Managing Hyper-V
Configuring Hyper-V Settings
Hyper-V Host Storage and Networking
Lab : Installing and Configuring the Hyper-V Role
- Module 3: Creating and Managing Virtual Hard Disks, Virtual Machines, and Checkpoints
Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Disks
Creating and Configuring Virtual Machines
Installing and Importing Virtual Machines
Managing Virtual Machine Checkpoints
Monitoring Hyper-V
Designing Virtual Machines for Server Roles and Services
Lab : Creating and Managing Checkpoints and Monitoring Hyper-V
Lab : Creating and Managing Virtual Hard Disks and Virtual Machines
- Module 4: Creating and Configuring Virtual Machine Networks
Creating and Using Hyper-V Virtual Switches
Advanced Hyper-V Networking Features
Configuring and Using Hyper-V Network Virtualization
Lab : Creating and Using Advanced Virtual Switch Features
Lab : Creating and Using Hyper-V Virtual Switches
Lab : Configuring and Testing Hyper-V Network Virtualization
- Module 5: Virtual Machine Movement and Hyper-V Replica
Providing High Availability and Redundancy for Virtualization
Implementing Virtual Machine Movement
Implementing and Managing Hyper-V Replica
Lab : Configuring and Using Hyper-V Replica
Lab : Moving Virtual Machine and Configuring Constrained Delegation
- Module 6: Implementing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V
Overview of Failover Clustering
Configuring and Using Shared Storage
Implementing and Managing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V
Lab : Implementing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V
- Module 7: Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
Integrating System Center and Server Virtualization
Overview of VMM
Installing VMM
Adding Hosts and Managing Host Groups
Lab : Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Module 8: Managing the Networking and Storage Infrastructure in System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
Managing Networking Infrastructure
Managing Storage Infrastructure
Managing Infrastructure Updates
Lab : Network Infrastructure Management
Lab : Infrastructure Updates Management
Lab : Managing Infrastructure Storage
- Module 9: Creating and Managing Virtual Machines by Using Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
Virtual Machine Management Tasks in VMM
Creating, Cloning, and Converting Virtual Machines
Overview of Virtual Machine Updating
Lab : Creating and Managing Virtual Machines by Using System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Module 10: Configuring and Managing the Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Library and Library Objects
Overview of the Virtual Machine Manager Library
Working With Profiles and Templates
Lab : Configuring and Managing the Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Library and Library Objects
- Module 11: Managing Clouds in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
Introduction to Clouds
Creating and Managing a Cloud
Working With User Roles in Virtual Machine Manager
Lab : Managing Clouds in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Module 12: Managing Services in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager and App Controller
Understanding Services in VMM
Creating and Managing Services in VMM
Using App Controller
Lab : Managing Services in System Center 2012 R2 VMM and App Controller
- Module 13: Protecting and Monitoring Virtualization Infrastructure
Overview of Backup and Restore Options for Virtual Machines
Protecting Virtualization Infrastructure by Using DPM
Using Operations Manager for Monitoring and Reporting
Integrating VMM with Operations Manager
Lab : Monitoring and Reporting Virtualization Infrastructure
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